Okay, I gotta comment on this whole Tiger Wood thing, since this has pretty much been the pinnacle of what has been a long string of exposures of and confessionals from male adulterers. I kept quiet about David Letterman and what-his-face (there's always someone having an affair), because honestly, I just didn't give a shit.
Why do I care now, especially since I couldn't care less about golf? I guess because no one expected it from Tiger. He always seemed so Zen, so squeaky clean and put together. I'm not here to make value judgments on what he did. But I will comment on people reaction to it. I'm reading about all these women coming forward and saying they slept with Tiger (wouldn't you?) and suddenly there are allegations of him being a sex addict: http://www.examiner.com/x-17416-Infidelity-Examiner~y2009m12d6-New-Details-About-Tiger-Woods-Secret-Love-Life-Reveal-He-May-Be-Addicted-to-Sex?cid=channel-rss-Relationships Um, I'm sorry, what?
Okay, first of all, this is a very serious inference about someone's mental health. It's not to be taken lightly. I have often long debated even the legitimacy of calling sex an addiction, but that's for another blog. Secondly, we don't even know if these women are telling the truth. It would be a perfect opportunity for them to get their 15 minutes. And plus, I love that they did these completely consensual acts with him but now they're coming out with claims of victimization and saying that he used them? I'm sorry, but I call bullshit.
If these women were coming out with allegations of rape or coercion of any kind, this issue would be a whole other kettle of fish and we should certainly take those issues seriously. I'm not saying what Tiger did to his wife wasn't wrong. But he's certainly not the first powerful athlete to cheat on his wife and he certainly won't be the last. Just leave the guy alone, for Christ's sake. It's not like he's a public official (oh wait, they get away with that too...)
I'm surprised no one has commented yet. My family loves golf. I...welll...I watch it if its on. I do love me some Tiger Woods! He gives a lot of money to charity and has a foundation to help kids. He has also changed the face of golf! The greatest golfer in the world isn't an old white man?! It's a super-race young'n? Awesome! I've always loved him.
ReplyDeleteI love him so much that if he or his bodyguard walked up to me and said, "hey, do you want to meet Tiger in his hotel room tonight?" Wife or no wife, I'm there. I would have lots and lots of sex with Tiger even though he's married. I mean, it's Tiger. I'm not going to lie and say I'd take the high road because he's married. It's Tiger.
I think people hold golfers to a different standard than football and baseball players. Golf is a "gentleman's sport" and people assume golfers are as classy as they look on the links. In reality, so many golfers are the opposite, Tiger is not the only one to have affairs and to think otherwise in completely naive. Tiger has never been super squeeky clean. He's known to have a foul mouth and a temper. Gatorade and Tag knew that much going into it, so why doesn't a sponsor pull out every time he says "fuck" after a golf shot?
I also think people are turning this into a bigger deal than it should be is because he had sex with 15 white women. Not just 15 women, but white women.
Ultimately I think it was blown out of proportion. He's taking a leave of absense from golf which I find ridiculous. His affairs in no way should affect his golf.
I still love Tiger.